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LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE present at Euromembranes 2024
The LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE project was present at the Euromembranes 2024 congress. Caroline Sielfeld, Eurecat researcher, showed a poster about the project and presented the latest

IQE participates in the training of Vocational Training teachers
From September 9 to 13, 2024, the CPIFP Corona de Aragón (Zaragoza) held the course “Energy transition, sustainability, safety and evolution of the chemical sector”

LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE present in “Smart Chemistry-Smart Future”
Smart Chemistry-Smart Future is holding its fourth edition at Expoquimia (Barcelona) from 30 May to 2 June. The event is organised by FEIQUE (Spanish Chemical Industry Business Federation), which brings

Circular Economy Conference at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Zaragoza
On March 22, 2023, the conference “Project management in the chemical industry for the XXI century. Towards a sustainable 2030” took place at the Faculty

Project management in the chemical industry for the XXI century. Towards a sustainable 2030
Within the LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE project, framed in the theme of “Resource efficiency, sustainability and Circular Economy”, the company Industrias Químicas del Ebro, IQE, and the

Finish the construction of UF-RO pre-industrial pilot facility of LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE
LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE project is a PILOT PROJECT to apply an innovate technology for the treatment of precipitated silica wastes, an environmental challenge with no feasible

Begins the construction of UF-RO pre-industrial pilot facility of LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE
LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE project is a PILOT PROJECT to apply an innovate technology for the treatment of precipitated silica wastes, an environmental challenge with no feasible

IQE starts the european project LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE
Precipitated Silica production process generates as a by-product a high conductivity salt stream that is poured into natural channels after passing through treatment plants. The
Life Zerosilibrine
LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE project is a PILOT PROJECT to apply an innovate technology for the treatment of precipitated silica wastes