Smart Chemistry-Smart Future is holding its fourth edition at Expoquimia (Barcelona) from 30 May to 2 June. The event is organised by FEIQUE (Spanish Chemical Industry Business Federation), which brings together the leading companies in the Spanish chemical sector.
Under the slogan Green Deal Edition, it focuses on the essential role played by the chemical industry, developing important innovative and disruptive solutions to help accelerate the transition to a sustainable and digital economy for Europe to achieve climate neutrality in 2050, which is the ambition of the European Green Pact.
At this meeting, visibility will be given to the latest projects, research, trends and innovations that are already being developed by the chemical sector to contribute to the objectives of the Green Deal, such as: green hydrogen; the capture, storage and use of CO2; chemical recycling; or new green fuels, among others, which will be very relevant in areas such as energy transition, the circular economy or digitalisation and which will channel the change in the production paradigm that Europe is calling for.
On Tuesday 30 May, Miguel Cano, R&D&I Researcher and Product Manager at Industrias Químicas del Ebro, S. A, will be in charge of the smarttalk: LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE, Precipitated Silica: valorisation of waste through a circular economy strategy. Recovery of water and sodium sulphate.
The LIFE ZEROSILIBRINE Project is a PILOT PROJECT that applies an innovative technology for the treatment of precipitated silica landfill, an environmental challenge without a viable solution at present. The implementation of a Circular Economy strategy in the precipitated silica sector will mitigate the environmental impact caused by the discharge of the generated by-product (sodium sulphate), recovering 100% of the water to be reused again in the production process itself (reduction of water abstraction and reuse of the discharged water as process water) and recovering the sodium sulphate as a high purity product of commercial interest.